My Transformation

Oh my where do I start.

My journey has been that for sure. I was fit my whole life, played all the sports I could growing up like water skiing, soccer, basketball, volleyball and track. As More ...

Oh my where do I start.

My journey has been that for sure. I was fit my whole life, played all the sports I could growing up like water skiing, soccer, basketball, volleyball and track. As I grew up I evolved into doing more things like biking, hiking, kayaking, crossfit, and lifting weights. Everyone has a story I promise. My story is mine that is the only thing that makes it different. IT IS MINE.

In 2012/2013 I was the healthies and the fittest I have ever been. I was heavily involved in crossfit, recently divorced and motivated to really focus on ME. Then met a great guy, and life happened, as it always does at some point. It knocked me down off of my high. I learned I was pregnant (for most this isn’t a big issue) however this was pregnancy #6 for me, (the rest of which failed) I was terrified of what could happen as my past hunted me. Would this be any different? Would the father still love me if I cannot actually carry full term? If I lose it will we be strong enough to make it through? At the end of 2013 I went into labor at only 21 weeks nothing could be done. I was in labor and too far along to try and stop it. The hospital didn’t have the equipment ( most don’t) to save a child under 25 weeks. My doctor looked at me and said “I am sorry, when you give birth there isn’t anything we can do”…I began to cry, and gave birth to a beautiful little girl who I got to hold and meet for 1 hour before she left to a better place.

Fast forward to 2014 I was slowly getting back into crossfit as this was all still in my head, but for me it was all still so fresh. I did a couple of competitions and felt like I was being judge (and not just on the competition). I wasn’t as fast, strong or happy as my former self. I felt like those that knew were looking at me with pity all the time. I couldn’t handle that anymore. I started doing things on my own, working out at home here and there and running. Then I got pregnant again, and in 2015 gave birth to a happy and healthy baby boy and in 2018 gave birth to a happy healthy baby girl!. My kids are my world and couldn’t be happier.

HE IS MY WHY. PLEASE DON’T GET ME WRONG…I STRUGGLE some days to get out of bed to workout at 5am. I can find a million reason why I can put off taking care of me; the dishes, the laundry, the yard work, cleaning the garage, meal prepping for the week…seriously! This little boy is my world, but if I don’t take that 2% of my day for me, I won’t be there for his 98%. Why I get up and want to be a better person, spouse, provider. You name it he is my why. I want him to have things and experience that I had and more. My passion is to HELP. By helping others grown I am helping myself. I am teaching you how to be a better you and by doing that I am teaching me to always be a better me.