This was the start of my
100 day adventure...
100 days of workouts. These ladies are all linking arms and wanting to do something they have never done before, we as a team are all completing our 100 days. We are there for support, motivation, encouragement and to simply give each other a simple high five for whatever victory is made that day, that week, and within the first month! WOW. Do you have a team that you can lean on like that?
100 days of nutrition...what program out there or gym do you attend that you get a detailed nutrition guide to help you slay your journey with the power of food? Do you pay extra for that??? Most everyone will answer "yes" that is extra...we guess what??? The most amazing part of being here with this team is the knowledge that gets applied because all these amazing programs come with a nutrition plan/guide/outline...your coach shows you how to use it, your coach makes sure you are within the proper plan for what you are trying to accomplish...the meals are in the guide teaching you how to make things just a little healthier. Can you believe that???
This was the start of the madness and this is 30 days in...you cannot tell me that at home workouts don't work! I am proof they do!